Should we ask our children to help us pray for Ukraine? Will their prayers really matter in the grand scheme of things? 2022 has already brought so many challenges to our homes, finances, and health. The emotional and psychological trauma of war could be damaging to our children depending on how severely their lives have […]

How to Pray for Ukraine with your Children

A fence painted in the colors of Ukraine symbolizing a common childhood play area of a fence, with the Ukrainian colors present as well.

Mar 18

Parenting is Tough I’m daily praying for wisdom and help to know how to best raise my children. I’ve struggled because even at three, my precocious eldest son noticed everything.  Every nuance of shows or commercials.  The covers of books, magazines, movies in the grocery store. He had dreams in his little heart of being […]

Wisdom for Parenting Immediately

Woman in the street with her son- smiling at one another- symbolizing parenting

Mar 15

We want to help kids discover the Holy Spirit. After all, children are intrigued by an adventure. They like action. That’s what they’re looking for in their Christianity. They don’t want to just hear about heroes of the faith, they want to do exploits themselves. They say, “Don’t just teach me about David and Goliath. […]

Ideas to Help Kids Discover the Holy Spirit

Sep 15

I’ve heard some parents and Christian leaders advise against teaching kids about spiritual warfare and the devil. They say that in doing so we may frighten children. I disagree.  In a world with domestic violence, school shootings, and terrorists’ attacks, most children are well aware the world is a dangerous place. To release children into […]

Equipping Children for Spiritual Warfare

Medieval Shields to represent teaching kids about spiritual warfare

Jun 15

Helping kids pray heartfelt prayers isn’t always what it seems. My friend’s nine-year-old son came home crestfallen from Sunday school one day.  “What’s wrong?” his mother asked. “They wouldn’t pray for my prayer request,” said the boy. “I wanted to pray about the panda bears in China, but they said we should pray for personal […]

Helping Kids Pray Heartfelt Prayers

Jun 15

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