We have authority in prayer Every household, workplace, neighborhood, and even nation has a unique spiritual atmosphere or prevalent climate. I am sure you have felt it. You walk into a store or someone’s home and immediately feel something difficult to explain, whether it is peace and joy, or a prevailing darkness and heaviness. We […]

Change the Spiritual Atmosphere

Image of a woman praying with her hands open

May 27

When life feels overwhelming, and time is of the essence, you need a short prayer about stress. Recently, I was debilitated on Saturday night with a migraine headache.  I don’t have one thing to point out to say what brought it on; but is there ever just one thing that stresses you out?  We’d been […]

God I Look to You

Stressed Woman at Computer to symbolize that we need short prayers for stressful situations

Mar 22

Should we ask our children to help us pray for Ukraine? Will their prayers really matter in the grand scheme of things? 2022 has already brought so many challenges to our homes, finances, and health. The emotional and psychological trauma of war could be damaging to our children depending on how severely their lives have […]

How to Pray for Ukraine with your Children

A fence painted in the colors of Ukraine symbolizing a common childhood play area of a fence, with the Ukrainian colors present as well.

Mar 18

Sometimes we are faced with situations in life that leave us desperately searching God’s scriptures for insight on healing and miracles. In fact, there are few things harder to hear than when a doctor tells you there’s something wrong with your unborn child. What was anticipated as a beautiful and joyous event becomes a moment […]

How to Pray Scriptures for Healing and Miracles

Image of brown haired girl praying scripture for healing and prayer

Mar 15

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